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Expired Listing

Expired Listing Letter Template
Use this expired listing letter as a template to send to potential sellers in your market. Be sure to check your list for accuracy and remember to make your letter local. Be sure to give the lead many choices for communicating with you.
Real estate letter

Creating your letter:

Enter your contact information into the appropriate forms, and also upload a company logo (optional). The system will use this information to automatically populate the letterhead and signature blocks.

In the "letter body" section, there's a selection of pre-written copy. All you have to do is finding the bracketed section of text—[its looks like this]— and change it to include the appropriate information about the neighborhood or city where you'll be sending the letter.

It is our priority to continue creating great content for users like you and we do our very best to stay on top of updating our current content. However, we're humans and may miss an update here and there. If you notice the data in this letter is out of date, please visit to find the current data you can insert into this letter.

What this letter says:

Dear [blank],

As an agent in [in­sert neigh­bor­hood/city/etc.], I study the mar­ket closely and track the homes that sold and the homes that, un­for­tu­nately, did not sell. I no­ticed you put your home on the mar­ket and it did­n’t sell. I re­al­ize there are many rea­sons homes don’t sell and one of those may have been that you sim­ply de­cided not to move. If that is the case, this let­ter may not be of in­ter­est to you. How­ever, if you still want to move, here is some in­for­ma­tion you may find use­ful:

Last year homes in the [insert neighborhood/city/etc.] sold for an average of [insert percentage]% of asking price. Many of my clients are surprised to learn homes are selling for asking price if not over asking price.

According to the National Association of Realtors, the national median existing single-family home price in the second quarter of 2022 was $416,000, up 13.4% from the second quarter of 2021 ($366,900). Additionally, there is currently a 3 month supply of available homes for sale, this is well below the 6 month supply that many real estate experts consider normal.

Ad­di­tion­ally, there is cur­rently a 3 month sup­ply of avail­able homes for sale, this is well be­low the 6 month sup­ply that many real es­tate ex­perts con­sider nor­mal.

As a real estate professional, I completely understand the stress of putting your home on the market. I pride myself on minimizing that stress by taking a very honest and comprehensive look at your situation and goals. If you are still considering moving, I would like to offer you a no-obligation move analysis to examine your overall goals. I will then give you an honest opinion as to whether or not your goals are feasible.

I hope this letter finds you well, and please feel free to contact me at any time.


[Insert Your Name]

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