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Complete 365 Days of Taxes in ONE Hour

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Written by Breakthrough Broker President Eric Sachs

365 Days Of Taxes In One Hour

It’s that time of year where I’m haunted by tax headlines - “Seven Tips for Tax Season,” “A Real Estate Agent’s Guide to Taxes,” “5 Tax Tips Real Estate Agents Need to Know,” and an exhaustive amount of others. If you are witnessing the same, it’s likely you’re in my position and immediately shrugging off these tips and tricks. You’ve hit your max capacity and anything tax related is all it will take to send you over the proverbial edge. Because let’s be honest, you’d much rather focus on your real estate clients and prospecting for new buyers and sellers.

However, as much as we wish we could shove taxes into the abyss, they catch up to us. April turns into a panic-filled month where we spend countless hours digging up receipts, figuring out what is and what isn’t a deduction, and racking our brains for events and expenditures that could improve our tax bill.

If you are a BreakthroughBroker.com fan, you know we believe in easy to use and helpful technology for real estate pros. If you’re searching for technology to simplify the tax process, check out Realtyzam. They offer a real estate-specific tax app to enable you to complete your taxes for the entire year, that’s a total of 365 days, in one, single hour.

Realtyzam tracks your expenses throughout the year with incredible ease. With the click of a button, it will provide your accountant or tax pro with reports, profit and loss statements, and other necessary documentation to quickly and easily prepare your taxes.

Realtor Shelly was quick to take advantage of our recommendation for Realtyzam and said “Just started using this product and it’s so freaking easy!!!”

In addition to the tax reporting feature, Realtyzam will connect directly to your bank, track your expenses, mileage, and store your business-related receipts.

Finances are inevitable. Doing our taxes is inevitable. Why not use an app dedicated to our profession? Not to mention, its efficiency in helping us maximize the deductions we should be taking in order to mitigate our taxes at the end of the year.

Much like we operate here at Breakthrough Broker, our recommendations are meant to make your life easier, giving you the time to connect with and attract more clients. Give Realtyzam a try and let us know what you think!

About our President

Eric Sachs

After a successful career as a top-producing real estate agent and building a mid-sized real estate company in Colorado, broker and owner Eric Sachs and his business partner sold their company. Then, they followed their passion for helping those in the real estate industry by founding Breakthrough Broker. Eric is a recognized national speaker and is dedicated to helping real estate agents, title companies, and mortgage companies build successful businesses.

Connect with Eric on Breakthrough Broker!


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