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4 reasons every real estate agent should be using video

Everyone has heard that video is something they need to be taking advantage of, and if you're not, you're missing out on business. But what most people don't tell you is why you should be using video. Why do you need to use it as a real estate agent? Why is it so important? Why and how does it help you sell more homes? I'll help answer those questions in four informative facts about why video is so important in any real estate campaign.

1. Video allows the viewer to see, hear, and feel the property

One of the most asked questions is, "Why do I need to use video when I have photos and a slideshow already?" Although photos and slideshows are great, they only reach your viewer on one level, which is sight. Photos and slideshows only allow your viewer to see the property, but video hits them with sight, sound and emotion. Real estate videos allow you to tell the viewer about the property (through a voiceover), see the property (through photos and video footage), and connect with them emotionally through music. If your videos contain all three aspects your viewer is being triggered by three forces at the same time, forming a psychological connection with your property—and even with you as an agent.

2. Video is easier than you think

Most agents avoid videos because they think it will require extra time that they don't have, but in reality it could take just a few minutes. Real estate videos can be done with photos you already have of the property. Most real estate video companies can work with materials (photos or video footage you took) you already have on each listing and add on-screen text, music, voiceovers, and your logos. There is almost no extra work needed on your part if you hire a real estate video company.

3. Video allows you to tell the viewer what to do

Calls to action are some of the most important parts of a video. Recently, we have been testing calls to action (via voiceovers) at the end of our videos to get more website visits, Facebook Likes, and comments on our YouTube videos, and we've seen an increase in all three by almost 400 percent. At the end of your real estate videos you can tell the viewers to call you, visit your website, see your other listings, book an appointment to see the property, and more.

Amazingly, when you tell someone to do something in a video they are much more likely to do it than if it was written on your website or not said at all. By creating a sense of urgency you will see an even larger increase in viewers following your calls to action. For example, instead of saying, "Call me to make an appointment to see this property," you can say, "This property already has appointments booking up, so call me TODAY to schedule your appointment." By creating urgency you'll get an even higher response rate.

4. You can talk about yourself

Talking about yourself can be a powerful option that allows you to impress your viewer. Granted, the whole reason a viewer is watching a real estate video is to learn more about the listing, but it's also great platform to present a very brief bio about yourself. If you have any awards or milestones, you can include them in the beginning or ending of your video. These small bragging points allow the viewer to recognize who is selling the home and why they are a good person to contact. This is especially important if you are utilizing YouTube and the video is not being viewed directly on your website.

Tips for shooting a video bio for your website
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Brandon Lucero is the founder of, which produces affordable real estate videos. Based in Southern California, works with small businesses, entrepreneurs, and website owners to bring them more business and target local customers.

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