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How Real Estate Agents Can Boost Site Traffic Using SEO

Thanks to the advances in technology, most people now search online first whenever they are looking for a particular product or service. As a real estate agent you cannot afford to miss out on this traffic. If your website is not visible and easy to find you will end up losing a lot of potential clients to your competitors.

Because of this, it is vital that you invest enough time and energy into SEO (search engine optimization). Taking the proper steps to boost your search ranking is one of the most effective ways to drive more traffic to your site and attract new clients.

Using Local Keywords

Keyword research may not be as exciting as being active on social media or producing videos, but it is crucial to your online success. Be as specific as possible when you are choosing your keywords as they have a big impact on your SEO efforts.

For example, instead of focusing on the name of your metropolitan area, write about specific towns or neighborhoods. In real estate, people are often searching for very specific areas and paying attention to these searches can be beneficial.

Focus On Being A Resource

It is likely that you will not rank well in searches if your website is entirely based on a MLS integration or promoting yourself. Instead, provide valuable information to people. For example, write articles discussing the features of a neighborhood or the cost of living in the areas that you serve. Focusing on the local communities and what they have to offer will show that you are the local real estate expert.

Blog About Specific Homes

While you may not be able to do this for all your listings, there will undoubtedly be a listing that stands out from the rest. To drive more traffic to your site, write blog posts that describe the appealing features of the home and be sure to include your listing photos.

Be sure to include the street address of the property in the body of the post. The address will be the keyword for these posts, so make sure that you use it in all the right places. Meta descriptions, tags, and any image files should all include the street address.

Optimize For Mobile Devices

These days, more and more people are using their tablets or smartphones to go online and search for real estate information. That is why it is important that your site is responsively designed so it is easy to use on any platform. If your site is not optimized for mobile, you are putting yourself at a significant disadvantage.

Make Good Use Of Social Media

Using social media is key to an effective SEO campaign. After writing a blog post or article, promote it using various social media networks.

Take advantage of the strengths of each network. For example, use Facebook to promote your content and Instagram to share pictures of properties that you are representing in your area. When promoting your material, always provide a link back to your website.

SEO needs to play a central role in your online marketing strategy. With the right techniques, you can drive more traffic to your site, increase your rank in search engines, and boost your overall online presence.

Jonathan Leger has been a successful Internet Marketer for over 11 years. He owns an SEO Tools suite at

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