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How to Create a Powerful Real Estate Newsletter that Actually Converts

If you want to generate more traffic and leads, you need a newsletter. In fact, research shows that a newsletter will cause readers to spend 80% more time on a website. Whether you have just a small list of email subscribers or more than 20,000, your newsletter can be one of your most powerful real estate tools to generate leads and increase revenue. But, to make your newsletter effective, you must take the time to do it correctly. Statistics show that 48% of all emails are spam. So how do you create a newsletter that converts and that your email subscribers actually want to read? Let’s discuss a few options.

Think About the Big Picture

What are you trying to accomplish with your real estate newsletter? What is the goal for creating this type of content? Successful newsletters have a purpose. They play a specific role in your overall business goals and strategies. You must write your newsletters to achieve these goals — whether long-term or short term. You must also ensure that they focus on the target audience and provide content that captivates and impresses your readers.

Focus on the Subject Line

What will separate your email from the dozens of other emails that your readers receive in their inbox every single day? Every day, the average office worker receives approximately 121 emails. Unfortunately, the open rate for most emails in the United States is a low 34%. To improve the odds of your email being opened, you must start with a catchy and creative subject line. A few ways to create this type of writing include:

  • Use verbs and motivating word
  • Evoke an emotion such as curiosity or happiness
  • Stress the urgency of the message
  • Keep it short – ideally 50 characters or less
  • Let them know what how it benefits them

Pay Attention to the Timing

The timing of the newsletter can make all the difference in generating leads that convert. The average person checks their email at least 15 times per day. This means if you have a listing that you expect to sell quickly, email your subscribers and let them know. They are likely to read the email shortly after sending it. Or, if you have an open house coming up, you can promote it in your newsletter the day before, encouraging potential buyers to make sure to keep it scheduled in their weekend plans.

You Spend Time on Visuals

Just like when staging a home, you need to instantly pull the client in and make them want to see more and know more. You can make this happen by utilizing several visuals and images throughout your newsletter. Don’t just stick to the regular stock photos either. Start experimenting and spending time on infographics, banner images, and even videos. The more detail you can display, the better. Remember that the human brain processes information 60,000 times faster than any test and 90% of all information to the brain is visual.

Include Call-to-Action Buttons

Your readers want convenience. If they must spend extra time searching for information, online forms, a certain website, etc., then they will likely click out of the content and move on. However, if you create a very clear call-to-action button, this tells the reader exactly what you want them to do and directs them there. You eliminate any confusion for your readers and unnecessary steps.

Additionally, choose a different call-to-action for each newsletter. This will help you gain more traction with your readers and grow in various ways. A few calls-to-action to consider for your newsletter include:

  • Following you on social media
  • Enter a giveaway or contest
  • Read your latest blog post
  • Contact you
  • Refer a friend or family member

As you develop your call-to-action, once again, keep in mind the big picture. What are you trying to achieve with the newsletter? Use this answer to help you develop a call-to-action and see results from your marketing efforts.

A newsletter can be a valuable marketing tool and help you deliver information and reach your audiences in unique and creative ways. Unfortunately, for this method to be a success, it will take some time, effort, and a lot of creativity. But when done right, it can engage, motivate, and convert your leads.

Courtnie Erickson is a real estate content specialist for and has more than a decade of writing and editing experience. She has written for multiple real estate publications and real estate agents by creating blog posts, social media content, and web pages.

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